Why do installers and their customers want to fit your furniture with one of our fast fit systems?

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Why you should supply our fast fixing systems with your furniture?

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Meet the award winning revolutionary adjustable spacer fixing and datum pegs.

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Our revolutionary fixing systems for an evolutionary process.

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Space-Plug News

PanelPlus Adopts Space-Plug Evolution Cabinet Design

In a groundbreaking move towards a more efficient and sustainable future, PanelPlus has adopted the Space-Plug Evolution cabinet design. This innovative design not only enhances the sustainability of

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Independent Carpenter Turned Inventor Beats All To National Award

Space-Plug Evolution Wins Innovation Award at kbb Birmingham 2024

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We are always looking for new opportunities to work with kitchen, bedroom and bathroom manufacturers. Organise a free presentation in person or online of our three fast fit systems or our anti-tip furniture fixing!

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